Nominate We Were Here Forever!
Nominate We Were Here Forever!
Better With Friends and Best Original Soundtrack Award
Dear explorers!
It is time to nominate for the Steam Awards 2022! There are many categories to choose from, but for We Were Here Forever, we decided that the two that fit the game the most are: Better With Friends and Best Original Soundtrack!
Nominate us for the Better With Friends Award
You need a fellow explorer to embark on your adventure in We Were Here Forever? Did you manage to stay friends until the end?
Nominate us for the Best Soundtrack Award
Music is such an important element to the game! We’re extremely proud of the beautiful sound track of We Were Here Forever! Has it been on repeat for you or do you need a reminder? You can listen to the soundtrack below.
White Winter Mayhem
Want to get your hands on some exclusive Were Were Here Forever merch, that perfectly fits the wintery cold season? We still got some limited edition snow globes available in our store! These are hand-painted and one of a kind. A perfect gift for yourself and/or your explorer partner. You can find it, along other merch, in our Total Mayhem Store.
Celebrate Sinterklaas in We Were Here Together
Here in The Netherlands, we have double the festivities and presents in December! Before Santa Claus arrives and brings us presents under the tree, Sinterklaas makes his visit from Spain and brings us presents through the chimney and in our shoes!
You can experience this holiday in the basecamp of We Were Here Together! Have you been a good friend and partner though?
We Are Thankful
For all who celebrate, we wish you all a happy upcoming Thanksgiving! We’re very grateful to have such an amazing community and we can’t wait to share more unforgettable memories with you all together.
Yours Forever,
Total Mayhem Games
We are here to share some news!
We are here to share some news!
Hello dear explorers!
We hope everyone is doing well and had a great summer break! We got new exciting things to share with you all!
We Are Fighting Loneliness
We are incredibly excited to announce that we are working together with British Red Cross for Operation Anti-Loneliness 2022!
The core of our games is that you have to team up with someone else, work together and communicate with each other, and we have always encouraged forming bonds and social connections through gaming. So what better way to celebrate Operation Anti-Loneliness than by playing We Were Here Forever?! 1 in 5 people in the UK are affected by loneliness, and one of the things streamers can do to help is to fundraise money by streaming We Were Here Forever for 5, 10 or 20 hours.
For more information about the fundraiser or if you would like to donate directly to the cause, click here .
We Were Here Forever at Dreamhack
Conventions are back! From 14-16 October, We Were Here Forever will be available to play at Dreamhack in Rotterdam, The Netherlands!
Not only is this on our home turf, this is also the city where the Total Mayhem office is located, so it’s going to be extra special for us! So for our Dutch explorers, or international explorers who are going to visit, be sure to stop by and say hi! We always love chatting and meeting you all! More info on Dreamhack here .
We Are Nominated!
In the category Puzzle Game, We Were Here Forever is nominated by the Tiga Game Industry Awards 2022! TIGA is a network for games developers and digital publishers and the trade association representing the video games industry in the UK. It’s always an honour to be nominated, fingers crossed! See the list of categories here
But the nominations don’t stop there! We also got nominated in our home country for the Dutch Game Awards for Best Audio & Best Game Design! Go see the list with other great Dutch videogames here!
Amazed by our dear explorers
We always love seeing you all get creative, may it be your own projects or We Were Here related! This amazing Jester cosplay by @FalmarinDeCarme really blew us away! Thank you so much for sharing with us!
Yours Forever,
Total Mayhem Games
Watch Episode 3 in The Chronicles of Castle Rock...
Or join us at PAX East!
Dear explorers!
We’re excited to share with you all that the Total Mayhem Games team is on its way to the United States of America! From April 21-24, you’ll find us at Pax East in Boston!
Be sure to stop by at our booth: 24084, play our We Were Here Forever demo, grab some goodies and say hi!
You can purchase tickets here via the official PAX website. Saturday tickets are already sold out! Be sure to grab your ticket while they’re still available to not miss your chance. Or regret it forever…
The Chronicles of Castle Rock – watch Episode 3 now!
The third episode is out! In ‘The Chronicles of Castle Rock‘ you’ll discover more about the life of Kees Klokkenmaker, who experienced the fall of Castle Rock, and the rise of the resistance. You will also be uncovering some of the mysteries of Castle Rock, Rockbury, and their past inhabitants. As a bonus you will run into some sneak peeks at the next entry in the series: We Were Here Forever!
In Episode 3, A Fateful Encounter, Kees finds himself in the graveyard with some most unexpected guests!
That’s all for now explorers!
Yours Forever,
Total Mayhem Games
Play We Were Here Forever Demo live in London at W.A.S.D
Play We Were Here Forever Demo live in London at W.A.S.D
Dear explorers!
We got more exciting news! Recently we shared with you the news that We Were Here Forever will be released on May 10th! If you’ve missed our announcement trailer, here it is.
Play our demo in London!
Yes, that’s right! A few people from the Total Mayhem Team will be attending the W.A.S.D Game Event in London. This event will take place from April 7th-9th. And the best part is, a special demo for We Were Here Forever will be playable ! You can find us at booth number GG12. If you’re visiting don’t be afraid to visit us and say hi! This demo will only be playable at the event, so it’s a great opportunity to get a first glimpse at our new game that others won’t have. Talk about bragging points…
We will help you get there
But that’s not all! We’re going to give away 2x 3day tickets for the expo! Be sure to keep an eye on our Twitter to see how you can win them. Want to make sure that you’re going to be there? You can always purchase entry tickets via the WASD website.
We Were Here Live Action
Can’t go but still in the need for more We Were Here content? We released a new live action show ‘The Chronicles of Castle Rock’. In this 6 episode long show, you will learn more about the background of Castle Rock and the We Were Here universe. Episode 1 is already out on our YouTube channel! Be sure to watch it and subscribe to our channel for future episodes!
Forever Yours,
Total Mayhem Games
Dutch Party Week
Dutch Party Week
As you might know, we from Total Mayhem Games are Dutch. Which means we wear wooden shoes, have tulips around the house and non-stop eat black liquorice and potatoes, but more importantly we celebrate Kingsday on the 27th of April and Liberation Day on the 5th of May! This year we are going to celebrate it with all the Explorers around the world. Join us over at Discord and enjoy some very Dutch party habits.
Food Truck
Even though the Netherlands isn’t known for its cuisine, we do know what great appetizers are. This is the place to talk with other Explorers about the Dutch party week. Grab a plate, type food!fp and enjoy whatever is served.
Pub quiz
Test your knowledge over at our trivia channel! As an Explorer you like riddles, so why not try your hands on these?
Minigames Corner
Don’t feel like hurting your brain? Join the Minigames Corner for shorter games such as Connect 4, Hangman, Rock Paper Scissors, Tic Tac Toe and Uno. Play against a CPU or a fellow Explorer!
Dutch party stage
A party is NOTHING without music, therefore we have opened the Dutch party stage! We have enabled video and audio so you can completely indulge in bangers from Holland.
Second hand street
One other massive tradition is our blanket yard sale. People, often children, would put a blanket on the floor and sell items. For the TGM blanket yard sale we give you the opportunity to buy previous designs. See our yard sale!
Find a Valentine's Day puzzle partner!
Find a Valentine's Day puzzle partner!
Fill out the form and make yourself a match!
This Friday is Valentine’s Day! For this special occasion, we want to match you with someone!
Whether you are looking for a special someone, a new friend, or just a nice co-op partner, we will try to find you the perfect match. There’s no better way to get to know someone than trying to solve puzzles together, after all!
We are even giving away a few Steam keys for We Were Here Too and We Were Here Together in a raffle, so you might get lucky!
Click to fill out the form!
The form is closed, thanks to everyone who filled it in!
A New Year's survey!
A New Year's survey!
Happy New Year!
The Christmas lights have been put away, and the Base Camp returns to the usual cosy quietness. Our special Christmas puzzle is finished – we hope you all enjoyed it, and the fireworks that were your reward for solving it!
Here they are, in case you missed it 😉
We have some exciting plans in the pipeline for the new year – nothing to announce just yet, but watch this space!
We want you…r opinion!
For those of you with strong opinions, we’re running a survey covering topics like what you enjoy most about the We Were Here series, what kind of projects you’d like us to work on next if you were queen/king for a day, and more. After filling it out, you’ll be entered into a raffle with a chance to win some We Were Here merch!
Take the survey!
The survey is closed, thanks to everyone who filled it in!
Total Mayhem Games wish you all the best in the new year!
Christmas is coming…
Christmas is coming…
Time to be here together
Light up the Holiday
The holidays are almost here and we have a number of special Christmas surprises for you explorers. As befits the holiday season, your Base Camp has been decorated and a new puzzle has appeared… somewhere. Let’s see if you and a friend can figure out where it is, and how to solve it. If you succeed, the festivities can begin!
A year of Total Mayhem
This past year was quite an adventure for us at the studio, full of intriguing puzzles and great highlights! One of the most memorable moments for us was the release of We Were Here Together – it was humbling to see our game in the top steam sellers for October 2019. To date we’ve almost sold 100,000 copies of We Were Here Together. Thank you all for your support!
To get a peek at how the year was for us developers, take a look at our series of Developer Diaries series:
Three episodes are live already, and the fourth and final installment will be live on December 30th!
Another cherished moment was the release of We Were Here and We Were Here Too on Xbox One. The inclusion of We Were Here in the ‘Games for Gold’ helped introduce a lot of new players to the series. We can’t wait to release We Were Here Together on Xbox One as well in 2020!
We’ve also been nominated as one of the top 100 games in the Adventure category on IndieDB. With less than two days of voting left, your support would be greatly appreciated!
We also would like to take the time to thank the community for another awesome year, our partners for their great support and we want to wish you all happy Holidays and hopefully a new year with even more awesomeness for you all.
Christmas Changelog
New Features:
- Added a christmas themed puzzle to the basecamp.
- Revamp of the default controls. Player who have played before will keep their settings.
- Skipping a cutscene is now done by a HOLD action.
Resolved Voice Issues:
- The incoming voice volume is no longer bound to master volume. This should fix some volume issues with the voice chat.
- Added experimental audio settings – marked in yellow – to test out. We would love to hear any feedback regarding the functionality of these settings. (The ‘Microphone level’ slider is set to your system level by default. Adjustments are directly applied to your system microphone level)
Resolved Issues:
- Intro animation Wall is now synced properly.
- Mirror Room paintings should no longer fully rotate when clicked once.
- Players should no longer be able to jump in or out of a rotating door in the cave while it is rotating to prevent softlocking.
- Added proper controller button images to the menu.
- Fixed several desync issues in the mirror room.
- The purple orb pistons should now be retract on both sides in the mirror room.
- Optimized a ton of meshes throughout the game increasing performance.
- Selected button behaviour in the menus should now be more intuitive and consistent.
- Fixed several audio effects.
- Fixed some edge cases around inviting and leaving a session just before starting.
- Gamepad horizontal/vertical look speed should feel more consistent now.
- Changed some visual UI elements throughout the game.
- Fixed several seams in meshes throughout the game.
- Fixed an issue where spamming the ‘switch side’ button in the lobby would cause a desync.
- Added some additional sound effects throughout the game.
- Fixed an issue where players would end up in a softlock if their partner disconnected when inspecting a world element.
- In-game menu should now work properly with a D-pad.
Known Issues we (still) intend to fix:
- Looking for a substitute for performance-heavy fog.
- Desync of player position in rotatable doors.
- Credits will be made legible.
- Textures that might be incorrect.
- Visual inconsistencies in the throne room.
- Falling through the world in some specific edge cases.
- Several game freezes.
New features we are looking into:
- Color blind support.
- Additional voice chat options.
- Collectables.
- Additional checkpoints for Chapter 7.
Happy Halloween at the Base Camp!
Happy Halloween at the Base Camp!
Pumpkins, pumpkins and more pumpkins…
Pumpkins have been brought in just for the holidays, and those long Antarctic nights (sometimes a couple of weeks long in the depth of Winter)
have given the explorers plenty of time to practice their carving technique.
Carving pumpkins!
Reading scary stories!
Jump scares!
Finally, if We Were Here Together is the first game you’ve played in the series, you might be interested in our Halloween sale on We Were Here Too!
It’s 55% off while supplies last…*
*Supplies will always last, since this is digital distribution after all…
Join Total Mayhem Games at Dreamhack Rotterdam!
Join Total Mayhem Games
at Dreamhack Rotterdam!
Play the recently released We Were Here Together at the Rotterdam Games Week!
Total Mayhem Games will be at Dreamhack Rotterdam this weekend, as part of the Rotterdam Games Week! We will be there with our latest game We Were Here Together, and it would be great if you could join us at stand 329! Yes, you personally 😉
In their own words, the event is:
“The world’s greatest digital entertainment festival is coming to Rotterdam on 18-20 October 2019. DreamHack Rotterdam 2019 is the major event at the brand new Rotterdam Games Week, and will take place at one of the major venues of the Netherlands: Rotterdam Ahoy.”
There’s something for everyone at the event, with a LAN party, several e-sports tournaments, cosplay competitions, and more! Even better you can play our newly released third game We Were Here Together at our stand!
Get your tickets here!