We Were Here Together

Game Update - 1.1.0

Thanks everyone for your great comments, reviews, and general feedback!
The launch has been great, and today we have a first update to resolve some of the issues that slipped through.


Thank you all for reporting bugs back to us. We resolved already a few of the issues. It doesn’t cover everything that’s been reported yet – see the known issues section for a list of things we’re working on. Keep that feedback coming!



  • Final chapter in some rare cases didn’t trigger the same events / cut-scenes at both ends
  • Environments behind a door sometimes popped in, due to slow loading
  • In very rare occasions the Brewery area wasn’t loaded in for one of the two players
  • Pipes puzzle sometimes didn’t trigger an achievement
  • When using the 4-way pipe in the pipe puzzle the leakage isn’t always clear (visual and in sound)
  • Server browser could not be scrolled
  • Achievement when inviting a friend didn’t get triggered on some rare occasion
  • Credits list in menu didn’t always work


  • Loading times have been improved
  • Several minor performance improvements
  • Organ player is now more visible
  • Subtitles in various languages
  • Several minor improvements to the experience

Known issues / planned for future patches:

  • New Steam integration, fixing some integration issues and visuals like profile pictures
  • Microphone issues, where some players experience issues with the volume of the microphone getting adjusted
  • Players in different regions sometimes have a hard time inviting each other
  • Players are often connected to EU servers, while in another region
  • Resolution option in menu doesn’t show all available resolutions due to difference in refresh rates



This screenshot from hryule made us smile.

There was a fun stream by LIRIK, as well as one by sodapoppin. If you want to compare how quickly you solved the puzzles compared to well known streamers, take a look!

Review Roundup

We’ve been reading the reviews good and bad (mostly good, we’re happy to say) and there are lots of good points and helpful feedback. It goes without saying that leaving a review is a great way to support the game. Some were quite amusing. Here are a few we liked.

Me and my friend argued alot, fights were had, and im pretty sure a shanking was involved. 5/5 would play again.

~ crazedhunter

Some people are naturally argumentative types. If that’s you, then rest assured you can still enjoy We Were Here Together!

– Excellent story
– Incredible soundtrack
– Immersive atmosphere
– Fair price.


~ Captain Sloth

We’re very tempted to put ‘CUTE RUNNING AND JUMPING ANIMATIONS’ on the store page. After all, we trust a sloth would know a thing or two about cute.

Yeah if you want to become infuriated by your friend, and you want to infuriate your friend at the same time, pick this up.

~ Loathing Editor

Another vote for mutual infuriation. To be clear, this was a positive review 😉

good game, only buy if you are a gigabrain.

~ landocalrissian

You don’t really need a gigabrain to play We Were Here Together… but it certainly doesn’t hurt. Or find a smart friend!

Happy exploring, everyone!