We Were Here Together announced!

The word is out and the title says it all – We Were Here Together is officially announced!

We Were Here Together will take players from an Antarctic research base through the icy wastes back to Castle Rock, with new sections of the castle and challenges to puzzle through.

At first, players will solve puzzles together for the first time, but once back inside Castle Rock they will find themselves split up and facing the same communication driven puzzle solving that has proved so popular in the other We Were Here games. The release is planned for early next year.

Enjoy our beautiful announcement trailer and don’t forget to put We Were Here Together on your Wishlist on Steam. In the upcoming months, we will keep you updated with more exciting news on We Were Here Together, the 3rd co-op adventure chapter from the  We Were Here Series.

Check out the We Were Here Together Steam store: https://store.steampowered.com/app/865360/We_Were_Here_Together/ 

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WeWereHereGame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wewereheregame
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/totalmayhem…
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/WWHO

Again thanks to everyone who worked on the amazing trailer!

Created | Total Mayhem Games

Directed | Ruud Renting

Art Direction | Victor van den Beld

Technical Direction | Christian de Kool

Music | Sigmund Krähe – Death of Maliphant

Painted Artwork | Gracia Artigas

Animated | Frian Lit

Voice Acting | Ruud Renting

Texture Artist | Benjamin van Hemert

Sound Design | Leon van der Stel

Voice Over Author | Gerben Grave

Public Relations & Press Contact | Lucia de Visser